INCRA Miter express
incra miter gauges > miter express
Part Number: MITEREXPRESS & SMITEREXPRESS (for Shopsmith table)
The advantages are simple: The Miter Express doubles your miter gauge's capacity for cutting large panels, it offers more hold down options for greater safety when cutting small parts, and it provides better control overall because the lumber is carried through the blade instead of pushed across the saw.
The Express assembles quickly on either side of the saw blade, and the panels are custom-fit to your saw with two quick cuts and no measuring or alignment. It couldn't be easier! The sliding main panel and locking drop-off panel provide a level surface and perfect zero-clearance tearout control on both sides of the blade.Will the Miter Express fit my saw? Click here to find out!
The crosscut capacity of any miter gauge is safely doubled to more than 24" when docked on top of the Miter Express. For these extra-large crosscuts, the non-drag support provided by the sliding panel, along with the extra holding power of the included Hold Down Clamp adds much needed stability and control. As shown on the right, the same INCRA Hold Down Clamp also keeps your fingers comfortably away from the blade when cutting workpieces that are too small to safely hold by hand.
The Miter Express also includes an Outboard Fence Support that locks behind your fence in one of the two T-Slots, providing even more rigidity for all operations.
The sliding main panel and the locking drop-off support panel are each trimmed with one simple cut during assembly for a perfect fit on YOUR table saw. The result is true Zero-Clearance Tearout Control on BOTH sides of the blade. The Miter Express is instantly removable from your saw table when making rip cuts or other operations that don't require a sled. And thanks to INCRA's quick release feature, your miter gauge undocks from the Express in seconds whenever you want to use your gauge on another tool such as a router table or sanding station.

T-Slot Retaining Clips & Adjustable Miter Bar
The Miter Express features a miter bar that's conveniently adjustable from above for a perfect fit in the miter slots of either traditional 3/4" x 3/8" or Shopsmith sizes.
It also features removable front and rear T-Slot Retaining Clips for sled stability at both the beginning and end of long crosscuts. The clips allow the Express to support itself as it's drawn back from the blade to simplify loading large panels.
INCRA Miter Express Features:
- Safely Handles Both Extra Large and Extra Small Workpieces
- Eliminates All Side Play Between Table Saw's Miter Slot and Any Miter gauge
- Dual Embedded T-Tracks Secure the Included INCRA Hold-down Clamp and Other Mitering Accessories
- Eliminates All Drag Between Workpiece and Table Saw, ESPECIALLY for Extra Large Workpieces Superb Crosscut & Mitering Control
INCRA Miter Express Compatibility:
- Miter slot spacing: The max distance between the miter slots is 14" center-to-center.
- Table size:
Note: Many portable or jobsite table saws are too narrow for the Miter Express. For adequate support to the sides, the Miter Express needs a minimum of 8" measuring from the left-hand miter slot outward to the left edge of the saw table if the main sled will be to the left of the blade, or at least 8" from the right-hand miter slot to the outer right edge of the saw (sled can be installed on either side of the blade).
detail focus

Lock-in or Remove Any Miter Gauge in Seconds. The massive central Utility Plate incorporates a quick-release mechanism that allows you to instantly lock in place or remove any miter gauge that uses a standard- or Shopsmith-sized miter bar. The quick-release feature leaves your miter gauge free for use at other machines in your shop.

The Miter Express features
removable front and rear
T-Slot Retaining Clips for sled stability at both the beginning and end of long crosscuts.

The INCRA Hold Down Clamp The Miter Express also includes the new INCRA Hold Down Clamp. This makes miter cuts on small pieces more accurate and secure than ever before while keeping your fingers safely away from the cutter.

Click to download INCRA Miter Express Manual in PDF format.

Click to read INCRA Miter Gauge e-Brochure.

Click to see Miter Gauge Comparison Chart.

Click to see Miter Sled Compatibility Checker

Click to see Miter Gauge General Compatibility.
video demos

Click to download INCRA Miter Express Video in Windows Media format.

Click to download Complete INCRA Miter Gauge in Windows Media format (31.7MB, PLEASE BE PATIENT - this may take several minutes to load.)

panel" that's cut during the initial setup of the Miter Express.