INCRA woodworking Product videos & demos
INCRA woodworking Product videos & demos
learn the ins & outs of THE amazing incra products

The creative team here at has created a new series of videos to help you pick the specific INCRA products that will best satisfy your needs in precision woodworking. In the links below, you will find all currently available video demos.

features & benefits
LS Positioner Value Combos
LS Positioner Value Combos
Miter Gauge Videos
Marking Rule Videos

live demonstrations
TS-LS Table Saw Fence
TS-LS Joinery Package Upgrades
LS Positioner Router Table Fence
Wonder Fence

incra Youtube channel
ALL VIDEOS ARE IN WMV FORMAT. Please use Windows Media Player for best result or visit us on Youtube. For MAC users, please use QuickTime Player (additional media support is required) (Suggest internet browser: IE6.0 or up).