Perry's tool zone

Phil Bumbalough


Every now and again it's a treat to visit someone else's shop and have a peek at projects, tools or organizations other than our own. It's a kind of voyeurism that affords us an opportunity to pick up a fresh perspective and can also be used as a gauge of how our own shops are developing.


Some woodworkers have shops that evolve over time, starting with the basic garage and a table saw. Things like tool storage, work benches and cabinets often come along strictly on an "as needed" basis.

Shops built this way are usually a labor of years with layouts that change as
new tools are acquired and work flows are established. Others plan their shops on paper and give careful thought to storage and work flow before the first tool hits the floor.

But no matter what your approach to building the perfect woodshop might be, you'll certainly enjoy a look at some of the many shops highlighted in WOOD Magazine's recent "America's Best Home Workshops" publication.

We were made aware of the publication through one of our INCRA friends whose shop made the cover of the magazine.

Phil Bumbalough's shop, situated on his home site in Metamora, Illinois, definitely fits into the category of a well planned space.

(source: Wood Magazine)
It is superbly organized, well lit, spacious and includes a great collection of quality tools including a complete selection of INCRA products. We've reprinted the article with Phil and WOOD Magazine's permission. In the tradition of "Where's Waldo" see if you can spot some of the many INCRA tools in Phil's shop. If you look carefully you'll find an INCRA Jig Pro (circa 1994), a TS-LS Table Saw Fence, a Miter1000SE, an LS Positioner (router table version), a Wonder Fence, a Guaranteed Square, a Guaranteed 45, a Flip Fence SE and a Flip Shop Stop. Happy hunting!

If you are not familiar with Phil's website, you should check it out. It is loaded with information that will benefit just about any experience level in woodworking. In addition to featuring free plans for many of his favorite projects and shop helpers, Phil offers a great selection of articles and tool reviews. For an interesting read take a look at "Woodworking in the Digital Domain", or, for a little humor, "The Microsoft Compatible Table Saw".

In addition to reviews on a large and varied selection of tools you'll find a few of our own including:

- INCRA LS Positioner Super System [read more]
- INCRA Miter 5000 [read more]
- INCRA Miter 1000SE [read more]
- INCRA Miter V27 [read more]
- INCRA Miter Express [read more]
- INCRA Guaranteed Square [read more]

Phil's shop has three full-size roll-up doors; the two on the right side open onto the main shop while the lefthand door encloses a shop utility room.   

Keep us posted on your unique shop layout or any special project you may be working on by dropping me an email:

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