Perry's tool zone
Harold Brooks

I first made Harold Brooks' acquaintance in 1994 at an INCRA Seminar held at Paxton's Beautiful Woods in Ft. Worth, Texas. He was an engaging fellow with a friendly South Texas Drawl and lots of thought provoking woodworking questions. It was clear early on that he would soon have plenty to show for his effort with his newly acquired INCRA Tools and plenty to share with others as well.

The box shown was dubbed the "Spirit of Texas" and was crafted of Spalted Maple and Gaboon Ebony. At 22" wide, 10-1/2" deep and 8-1/2" tall, the Spirit of Texas hosts an amazing array of memorabilia.
The end result is a single piece with 3 rectangular openings that is ready for joinery, a very interesting technique worthy of exploring on a future article.
a sliding version of the INCRA Double Dovetail for full extension drawer slides.
Wooden dowels through slotted holes in the center section anchor it first to the drawer and then to the inside of the chest. This creative use of the double dovetail allows the drawers to slide completely out of the case to permit easy removal of the display panels.
This unique assembly allows for the panels to be completely disassembled to re-arrange or remove and inspect the various coins.

One of the most interesting aspects of Harold's construction is the use of a sliding version of the INCRA Double Dovetail for full extension drawer slides.

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