LS standard system
precision fences > router table fences
Part Number: LS17SYS, LS25SYS
metric part number:
(17" shown here with optional INCRA Router Table and stand)
The world's most versatile and accurate movable fence for your router table, drill press, or band saw. Designed to meet the needs of the most serious woodworker yet easy enough for even a beginner to use. The INCRA LS Positioner has all of the precision and versatility of our other tools, plus a host of new features and design details that set it apart from anything else. The LS stands for Lead Screw. Our patented Lead Screw technology makes this unit the leader in precision positioners for woodworking. Available in 17", 25" and the NEW 430mm & 635mm Metric Editions. INCRA LS Metric Conversion Kits are also available.
The LS positioner's accuracy is +/- .002" on the lead screw's 1/32" increments across its entire range, so it's essentially perfect even without the built-in micro adjust. The large micro-adjust knob turns the lead screw against the mating threads, allowing the fence to be shifted in .001" steps to tweak the width of a groove or zero the fence against a router bit. The fence used for the Standard Systems is our Pro-II 28" fence, which features a surface that's machined flat in a milling machine and a T-slot for adding fixtures or adding the Incra Wonder Fence in the future. The Pro-II fence directly accepts the Shop Stop or INCRA Stop, and there's also a telescoping extender bar for stopping grooves being cut into longer boards.
This LS Fence system also includes:
Our largest Right Angle Fixture is included to keep workpieces square to the fence and square to the table for joinery operations. Instead of the basic stop block of typical router fences, the included INCRA Shop Stop is based on our patented incremental positioning racks to give you unparalleled accuracy and repeatability when limiting a board's travel across the router bit or setting the endpoints of stopped grooves for drawer and box bottoms.
INCRA LS Online Instructional Video
This great video is loaded with information - how to take advantage of the optional Wonder Fence's advanced features, cut perfect fitting rabbets and dadoes, and it has full-length instructions for box joints and the four most common styles of dovetail joints.
Included in the LS Positioner Standard System Package:
- 17", 25", 430mm or 635mm fence travel available
- 28" Pro II Fence
- INCRA Shop Stop
- 13" Telescoping Stop Extender Bar with Shop Stop
- Right Angle Fixture
- Master Reference Guide with 51-piece (imperial) or 26-piece (metric) Template Library
[Guy Dunlap cuts Dovetails with the INCRA LS Positioner]
detail focus

Five Sliding Scale Template Channels All LS Positioners include a Primary Stainless Steel Scale, a "Floating" Reference Scale and an Auto-Centering Scale. The Primary scale adjusts on a magnetic track in the first channel to indicate distance from the cutter. The Reference Scale "floats" in a second channel to indicate distance from the last cut or any other reference point of your choosing. The Auto- Centering Scale (imperial systems only) fits in a third channel to Automatically and Effortlessly center your work for any operation.

Telescoping Stop Extender Bar The 13" telescoping Extender Bar with Stop makes longer workpieces easy to handle.

LS systems are equipped to cut dozens of different box joints and dovetail joints ranging from traditional to absolutely stunning. No accessories needed, just a router table & router bits!

Click to download INCRA LS Positioner Manual in PDF format.

Click to download INCRA LS Combo Brochure in PDF format.
video demos

Click to download INCRA's LS Positioner Video in Windows Media format.

Click to download INCRA's LS Positioner Standard System Video in Windows Media format.

INCRA CleanSweep Dust Collection Improved dust collection for all of your router table work!

INCRA 27" x 43" Offset Router Table Top INCRA Router Fence Systems can be installed on any router table, but there's no question that using a top-quality table will improve your results.